Music became the first language I learned to speak. I began writing songs when I was 7 years old, and recorded my first CD when I was 8.
Throughout my life music became my dearest friend. I held onto it through my darkest moments, and used it to express my highest highs.
I never knew where the music came from. There seemed to be this invisible place where the music existed; the ether. The game was to swim into that ether and merge with it.
In my late teens I also began to love creating images behind the lens of a camera; images that sit on the edge of reality. I tend to incorporate dance and movement into my photographs while playing with light and shadow, and sometimes playing with gravity itself.
Photography has led me to experience some pretty wild adventures and meet some amazing people. Modeling for great photographers with a similar vision has also been a great experience for me.
We have a dear family friend who is an incredible painter, Dario Campanile. He paints photo realism and abstracts on a world class level. Galleries show his work in the US and Italy. I remember thinking when I was growing up how incredibly lucky he was to be able to create a picture of whatever dream he was thinking up in his mind.
Writing songs and taking photographs are the forms I use to make my dreamscapes come alive. As I continue to grow and change, I try to keep these parts of me alive. I hope to continue to find and share this with others. And of course, this is only the beginning. It always is.